Electric motors

Preditec provides predictive maintenance services of electric motors.
Comprehensive service and predictive diagnostic measurements of electric motors - PRE -7012 .
A comprehensive predictive maintenance plan must include analysis technology motor circuit for induction motors critical plant.
Typical electromechanical problems can be detected and confirmed using this technology are:
- Problems in power quality, detectable by power test .
- Faults in the power circuit, detectable by standard tests and power test.
- Insulation defects detectable by the standard test, the polarization index and the test voltage steps.
- Stator faults detectable by the standard test, influence of rotor power test and bootstrap test.
- Rotor faults detectable by vibration analysis, standard test, the influence of test rotor, rotor and evaluation start test.
- Defects in the gap, detected by vibration analysis, standard test , influence of rotor eccentricity test.
Contact Preditec for more information.