Diagnostic maintenance function

Diagnosis of the maintenance function - PRE-7070.
The current regulation (still nascent) as PAS55 recommends conducting external audits at least annually in all that concerns the management of assets.
The focus of an audit of maintenance, aside from studying fundamental organizational aspects of the department, human resources, the workflow model and management thereof, should focus primarily on analyzing the distribution of maintenance between the Fault Maintenance (RTF) , at fixed intervals Preventive Maintenance ( PM ) and Preventive Maintenance by condition or predictive PdM) .
Optimal results in terms of maintenance : cost reduction , increased availability , increased OEE , a very great extent depend on this distribution of tasks.
ALL consultants agree that following the recommendations of the various methods and procedures have emerged in recent years: RCM, TPM, RBM, ..... is used PdM ( predictive ) whenever possible and apply all associated technical condition monitored: vibration, thermography, ultrasound acquisition, MCA, ... in the early detection of the different failure modes that an asset may arise.
So far we can say that would be " the easy part " of the audit. The picture is complicated when we audited if the PdM is correctly implemented in those plants that are in operation or when we implement it along with techniques to detect failure modes in a secure way that enables replaced by ranges ranges PM PdM.
Preditec / IRM has over thirty years in PdM implementations and all its associated techniques which, together with the one developed by our technicians and engineers in the knowledge of all types of industrial machinery as well as the most directly related to management maintenance and reliability engineering we are in a strong position to perform this type success with complete diagnostic work and look for areas of improvement that enable our customers to achieve the goal of "excellence in service".
Reliability Talk
Maintenance activities have become critical and essential function for the company, which goes beyond the mere maintenance and repair to allow optimization of asset management, including activities related to safety, environment, quality and productivity.