Maintenance activities have become critical and essential functions for the companies, beyond repairing assets.
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Why not enjoy already the best technology for laser precision alignment?
Preditec/IRM offers a suite of tools and services to ensure successful implementations of predictive maintenance in your industrial plant.
View detailsPreconcerto is a high value-added service offered as SaaS (Software as a Service) for PdM information managent to implement predictive maintenance strategy in the fastest and more efficient way.
View detailsiPdM service includes sensors, monitoring equipment and predictive reports on a new service concept including everything needed by the user, so a panel with machinery status and real time predictive reports are avaliable.
View detailsWe offer special services for the shipping industry such as noise and vibration measurements, power measurements, vibration and noise estimates, structural analysis ...
View detailsCertification Courses ISO-18436-2
Training and certification for analysts predictiveView more
Machinery Vibration Meter Tester Expert PRE5050
This equipment is ideal for monitoring machineryView more
Course capture and detection of ultrasonic
How to perform ultrasonic inspections ...View more
Welcome to Preditec / IRM
We provide predictive maintenance (PdM) or condition-based, diagnostic equipment and training predictive techniques to increase reliability in industrial plants (RCM). We also have sensors, monitoring systems based on portable collectors and continuous vibration (Condition Monitoring Systems). Other services: thermographic inspections, ultrasonic, electric motors, advanced diagnostics, modal analysis, determining the root cause (RCA), oil analysis, alignment and balancing rotating shafts.